This guy has totally inspired me to be more hands on with my design, he uses lots of scanned elements that he draws himself, and tries to keep layers and filters to an absolute minimum. This is the type of work that I really love and I've just bought a scanner which should arrive soon, and tomorrow I am going to buy some graphic pens... my Russ Mills inspired works shall be online soon!

Russ Mills:
"For my Graphic work I compile as much source material as possible in the form of textures , random marks and scribbles etc and scan it all, the primary image is drawn and also scanned. I then manipulate the constituent parts on the computer, I keep the amount of layers to a bare minimum so the results are as spontaneous as possible. I dont use any filters at all to keep the 'digital' nature of the image to a minimum.
....if you look at the people I have linked to it will give a good insight. Additional past masters such as Van Gogh, Picasso, Pollock, Basquiat also have a great influence in what I do."